A Collection of Writing

This site is merely a collection of poems, short stories, and occasionally other musing by Robert Streiff. If you're a friend, an enemy, or a curious bystander who happened across this page, by all means, enjoy your visit, and feel free to offer any advice, comments, or criticisms, they are all appreciated.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Paladin - Prologue

A heavy hand lays a firm thud on the banded wooden door. The noise echos through the stone towers, and can be heard nearly a mile in every direction. The gloomy tower eclipses the man who dared knocked on the door, an imposing building meant to scare away those who dared approach it. Seven tall floors make up Atrox Tower, the new memorial meant to be used as a capitol under Atrox's new government.

When no one answers, the man knocks again. Again, the sound reverberates against the heavy granite of the tower, and even the winds stop in fear of annoying the Emperor more. The sun waits on the horizon, ready to light up a new day. The early caller stands, his armor reflecting just the barest rays of light. Once more he knocks, not impatiently, and waits for an answer.

The heavy slider on the door is pushed to the side. A man stands on the other end, looking at the caller. He looks at his eyes, then his armor, to the tip of his sword. He lets out a mixture of a chuckle and a yawn, and his eyes return to the callers.

"Yeah? What ya be wantin'? I can tell by ya gear there that ya ain't gonna be askin' for no favors, and I can tell ya that I ain't at liberty to be givin' any..."

The caller stares back at him, tapping his sword hilt.

"Ah..." The man behind the door smiles and looks to his feet. "It's about that then... Well, alright, I'll let ya know now. Ya won't live. Ya won't stand a challenge. Ya'll just be a trainin' dummy for his latest. I don't like him, and ya obviously don't neither, but this ain't gonna be solving anyone's problem. Sure, he's done some... awful, terrible things, but noone's gonna be stoppin' him. Not til he's dead. This his trick he's pullin'? The 'Call ta Challenge' as he dubs it? It's a trick, a gimmick, he wants tha folks like ya to be comin' out and dyin' at his feet while he laughs and laughs and another good man be down. Ya want that? Ya want that for yaself? Ya want to look down and see ya wife and mother in tears, ya father buryin' ya on the family plot?"

The caller responds, "There is no one left to bury me. If I die, noone will weep. I've seen the crimes Emporer Atrox has committed against his fellow man. His legions sweep through towns killing mercilessly, he works his farmers to bare bone for less food than is necessary for survival, he tears the ground asunder just to pilfer it's gold. His employ kill, rob, rape, and torture all they come across, for their own sick pleasure, while he idly encourages them. Therefore, if my death comes, it can only be an improvement. Contrary, if I walk away now, I live in shame, watching this cruelty and know I gave up my chance to end this ring. I will slay this demon myself, and end this tyranny."

Moments pass, the two men reading the others intentions in their eyes. The man behind the doors sighs.

"Ya want this that badly, eh? Then I'll tell ya. All I know about is the Ascent of the Greedy, his first trial. Ya'll meet his best mercs. They don't care 'bout nothin', but money. And ya know how well he pays. Expect no compassion, no fear, no mercy, nothin'. Beat them, and ya can move on. I can't tell ya no more, cause I don't know."

He disappears from the door, while the caller waits. The noise of several locks and chains being taken apart is heard. The man is heard behind the door.

"I'll tell ya what, though. I don't mean ta sound like a disbeliever or nothin' like that, I've just seen too much death cause 'a this mess. But ya want it, so ya get it..... And personally?"

The door opens, and the sun lights up the man who was hidden behind the door. His left leg completely void of his body, and his right one flayed and mangled. His left arm is perfectly maintained, so he can manage the locks, but his right hand has be ripped off and replaced with a large passkey, which matches the main lock of the door. His back covered in heavy scars from years of torture, and his eyes stained with blood and tears.

"Personally, I wish ya luck, And give ya my prayers, paladin."

The caller enters the doors, bows his head, and heads towards the stairs.

(Original date 7/17/2009)

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