A Collection of Writing

This site is merely a collection of poems, short stories, and occasionally other musing by Robert Streiff. If you're a friend, an enemy, or a curious bystander who happened across this page, by all means, enjoy your visit, and feel free to offer any advice, comments, or criticisms, they are all appreciated.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Muse

I have a muse,
Who flees my view.
I search and seek,
While she ducks and peeks.

She flirts, and flitters,
Grazing by my side,
But never lets me touch her,
As she giggles by.

I pry my eyes,
To catch a glance.
She disguises herself,
And laughs as my gaze passes.

She's just around the corner,
She's just around the bend,
But she outruns me still,
Leaving nothing but a trail.

I wish I could smell her sweet perfume,
And taste her delectable ambrosia,
Instead I sit alone,
And strain my thoughts,
Thinking of how it was,
Before I lost my muse.

(Original date 9/10/2009)

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