A Collection of Writing

This site is merely a collection of poems, short stories, and occasionally other musing by Robert Streiff. If you're a friend, an enemy, or a curious bystander who happened across this page, by all means, enjoy your visit, and feel free to offer any advice, comments, or criticisms, they are all appreciated.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dull Knives and Vinegar

I slice by heart with a butterknife
And wash the wound with vinegar.
My serpentine tongue spews hate to mask the hurts
While eyes drills for false flaws made fact.
I strike my claws in hope of a vein
To make crude bile flow forth from you.
Love inverts into macabre lust
Feelings of spite replace soft touch
As I scar myself with cheap cutlery.

Trust, love, honesty, faith
Concepts made alien by our tryst.
Memories of sweet nights buried
Under quilted blankets of white lies and black tar.
Illusion takes the forefront
To comfort the condemned.
I climb into the attic of my mind
With full intent to cleanse the soul
And calm the scent of vinegar.

(Original date 3/20/2009)

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