A Collection of Writing

This site is merely a collection of poems, short stories, and occasionally other musing by Robert Streiff. If you're a friend, an enemy, or a curious bystander who happened across this page, by all means, enjoy your visit, and feel free to offer any advice, comments, or criticisms, they are all appreciated.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Broken Song

Shattered in the white sands
Like beer bottles after summer,
My muse has spit on my name
Left me crushed, ruined, used.

My words, a newspaper soaked
Ink drained away and smeared.

Ideas, a sandcastle
Swept asunder underfoot.

Songs, an ancient train
Assaulting ears with hideous whine.

Uselessly I clamor on
Seeking substitute to sublime.
Without you, love, it's over.

(Original date 6/9/2010)

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