A Collection of Writing

This site is merely a collection of poems, short stories, and occasionally other musing by Robert Streiff. If you're a friend, an enemy, or a curious bystander who happened across this page, by all means, enjoy your visit, and feel free to offer any advice, comments, or criticisms, they are all appreciated.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Add another name
To the lists of names
That hurt with just an utterance
We loved,
A mutual feeling,
Shared souls linked
Like hands on a Spring morning.

Put the past in a sealed metal box
Protect if from nature
And prying eyes who yearn
To see the world through skewed perspective
The past is sepia toned cellophane
Made music by designers.

Flee not from truth
But the lies we tell ourselves
The life is better off.
We die a bit inside
With heartbreak
A bit which will never recover
We traded stock in each other
Though one party received short.

I'll never be again what I was for you
And you're better off with that part of me.
It was meant for you anyway.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Your words,
Your voice,
Your sweet goodbyes.
Praise the silence.

So soft.
Your skin,
Your lips,
Your footsteps as you leave.
So soft.
Run my hand along sandpaper.

Your scent,
Your perfume,
The fading aroma on the pillow.
Let me breathe.

Your skin,
Your fingertips,
The bitter salt of your goodbye tears.
I crave the tasteless.

Your beauty,
Your anatomy,
Your crying eyes.
Leave me blind,
My fair skinned Aphrodite

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I fell in love with a voice,
Carried by the wind.
Intoxicated by a scent,
That drifted by a breeze.
Gifted with the rarest sight
Of truest beauty, pure.

I fell in love with a voice,
A voice of sweetest song.
She taught the violins to speak,
Inspired envy from the flute.
A vox of saintly melody,
Raining down from heaven.

The breezy words she whispers,
In the distance, travels on.
She'll flow amongst those windy trades,
And grace the earth and sea.
Alas for me, her airy spirit,
Ill matched for my earthbound form