A Collection of Writing

This site is merely a collection of poems, short stories, and occasionally other musing by Robert Streiff. If you're a friend, an enemy, or a curious bystander who happened across this page, by all means, enjoy your visit, and feel free to offer any advice, comments, or criticisms, they are all appreciated.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Copper wire
Golden chain
Silver lining
Full of shame.

Precious metals
Cracked gemstone
Furnace forged
But cast alone.

Stirrup and anvil
Hammer and tong
Blacksmith's err
Though never wrong.


Chasing demons
Chasing fears
Chasing thoughts you've fought for years.

Stand for battle
Stand your ground
Stand for those who aren't around.

Fight for forgiveness
Fight fair and kind
Fight for solid peace of mind.

Resolve the difference
Resolve your hate
Resolve yourself repair your fate.

Death, regardless
Death is near
Live your life or die in fear.


Vices, vices, everywhere
But not a virtue thought
This fucked up world
This fucked up life
A pretty trinket for the night
Give up your good
Embrace your fault
It's lonely out there on your cross
Let pleasure reign
Cave to desire
Find yourself in squalored splendor
It's just one evening
You will recover
Taste the whip my sweet endeavor.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Word Vomit

Thoughts are cancer
Spreading fast.
Find a cure
Fair physician.

I can't take these thoughts,
I can't stand my mind.
The pills make me mellow
But take away my bite.
I want to be whole,
I want to be at peace.
With myself
With you
With life.

This isn't a life
It's a cry for help,
Yell from building,
Whisper in ears,
My tragedy is silence,
My salvation buried.

Grab a shovel,
Push the dirt,
Make a stone,
To mark the earth.
I'll come out when I'm ready,
Or die amongst the rocks.

Crystal's clear
And quartz is clouded.
I scream and cry
For rescue unfounded.

But hope is here,
Amongst the rubble,
Shining quaintly,
Tempting loudly,
A reach away,
But I'm too astray
To grasp it all alone.

Lend a hand
or lend an ear.
Help me, please
You'd want the same
And I for you
In a different game
But this is for me
Selfish as it may be
It's not formal
To be normal
So help me please
Before this tomb collapses.


Pluck your eyebrows
Pick your teeth
Skin unblemished
Must be perfect
Must be right
Oh you will be quite the sight
When your hair falls out
From too much product
Face in lesions
Tweezers bloody
Skin and bones
And thoughts a'plenty
A worn out shell
Still chasing beauty
Perfect torture
Tortured perfection.

Summertime Blues

Lemon drops
Taste the summer air.

Face your fears
Retort your jeers
Live life if you dare.

Mostly water
Cannon fodder
Flesh with bits of hair.

Filled with smoke
Until you choke
Pain that you can bear.

Sleep til noon
Talk with the moon
Stars the show they care.